I played a surprise Pop Up show this past Sunday night at a place I’d never been to before. Morrisey’s Irish Pub in Uptown. It was a nice place and it’s always fun to take part in a Hootenanny. I sang the only Irish tune I know which being a musical nerd is from the film ‘Once’. I just love singing ‘Falling Slowly’. It’s so charming on the ukulele and can hush even the noisiest bar.
Next up is another last minute show. This time it’s at Peavey Plaza right Downtown (Next to Orchestra Hall, opposite Brits). They just booked me to sing for a couple of hours over the lunch slot. Next Tuesday, August 12th from 11-1pm. The event is free and a nice way to spend a part of your work day.
Then coming up at the end of the month I have my first ever Mini Tour. 2 nights in Southern MN. I love love love Northfield and am excited to return there and then I’ll try out a brand new venue in Faribault the next night!!
Recording has begun and I will update more on that as progress is made. Most of the next record is already written and I’m enjoying planning out the rest.
Hope to see some of you soon and thank you to everyone that helped push my Facebook page likes over a 1,000 this month. That was very exciting!!
Thank you, Katy x