Happy 4th of July

The 4th of July, an interesting holiday for a Brit ; )
I have been reflecting on my move to the States so many years ago now (In July 1993!) and realising that I feel more and more American in some ways but still always an outsider.
The funny thing is I think I have always felt that way no matter where I lived.
When you feel that way it can be really liberating to move. As sad as it is sometimes to feel far away from loved ones or old friends it really frees you up to start fresh, be creative and take risks.
I never knew growing up if I would pursue singing professionally and frankly it seemed like a bit of a joke to tell people that was my dream. Corny as it sounds I really do feel like the American dream is a real thing. Maybe it’s because I’m getting older too, that I don’t worry so much what people will think of me.
Last Sunday I sang in the sunshine, hula hooped with my kid, listened and sang along with friends and people I admire.
I didn’t grow up here, I still feel completely at a loss or on the outside sometimes, but I am happy to call Minnesota home.
My other home.

Taking a little time off and then I’ll be performing with the full band at the Aster Cafe. Friday, July 19th. Looking forward to that.

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