Katy Breaks The Internet!!

10430901_735444483193069_6547327298395872103_nI made a joke that this past weekend I was going to break the internet!! I was excited about the WCCO piece finally airing, my first full band show in a while (Previewing songs from the next CD) and also on a personal note, going to visit a cute puppy that I might adopt!!

Thank you to everyone that said nice things, shared my WCCO story or came to my show. Kudos to those of you that did all three!!!

Here is the link for anyone that didn’t see it air: http://minnesota.cbslocal.com/2014/11/15/women-who-rock-katy-vernon/

A couple of years ago when I first sat down to wrote a bio for my website I didn’t even know what to say. I didn’t want to mention my parents death as it seemed too sad and self indulgent and attention seeking and whatever! Well, now it’s all out there for everyone to see and I finally feel really honest and less self conscious about it. I even just updated my bio!! That part of my life shaped me more than anything until I married and had kids of my own.

Life threw some serious crap at me and I had to grow up very quickly and part of me felt broken for a very long time. In the last year I have taken steps to try to make peace with that and embrace the good things in life, of which I have plenty. Despite my recent bad health I am actually happier and healthier (mentally) than ever.

For all of you along for the ride and cheering me on I am extremely grateful. x

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