Might be a Pearl, it’s too early to tell..

Good morning folks,

I haven’t blogged for awhile. Things have been busy, the residency at the Aster was crazy busy and a ton of fun. Thank you to all of you that made it out. Some of you had 75% or more attendance!! I wish I had gold star stickers to share : )

I also filmed the rest of my music video! First time ever doing the professional thing and I can’t wait to share it. There is some tasteful nudity involved for those of you that like that ; ) It’s VERY artsy and stylish, and beautiful.

We made it for the song PEARL. That song was written in a single session. I sat down on my bed and felt the need to say goodbye to some things in my life that weighed me down. Much of my songwriting comes from grief and sadness but I don’t want to always dwell on that. It will always be a part of who I am and I am grateful for the outlet that singing gives me.

I cried as I wrote the song and even when I shared it with my husband I cried the whole time I sang it. I said to him at the end that I felt like it was such a happy song and he looked puzzled! It is though. It’s about moving on, finding your pearl, even when you feel worn out and empty.

I hope people hear my songs and find their own meaning. I am grateful for the radio support the song has already had and look forward to more with the full length this Fall. I’ll upload and share the video when it’s done.

Request this or other songs here: http://www.thecurrent.org/playlist/catalog/256254

Until then, thank you and I hope to see you at a show. There is a new feature on Facebook where you can subscribe to show updates! Please check it out and subscribe.

https://www.facebook.com/KatyVernonMusicPearl Single Cover

Thank you all and have a wonderful weekend!

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