Recording day two…

Making a record is an amazing process. It’s magical, inspiring, collaborative, frustrating, time consuming, expensive, and takes me around 9 months. Kinda like making a baby!

The band have now had two sessions in the studio laying down the basic tracks for 10 songs. There is a good balance of ukulele and guitar songs just like last time but this time around there is definitely more of a band feel. We’ve come a long way, especially in the last year and even songs that are new are playing out more cohesively. I’m so impressed with the way the guys have jumped in with both feet and the ideas and talents they bring to each song are a joy to hear.

The newest song is a guitar driven ballad with a huge chorus and a heavier feel than probably anything I’ve ever written. It was only written on Monday, finished on Tuesday at band practice (Thanks to Clay for the arranging advice!) and then less than 24 hours later recorded! For a person that always worries I don’t have another song in me, this was about as good as it gets!

I have decided to try to finish two of these new songs all the way through with Kevin Bowe producing. We’ll hopefully have a single or two ready to share in the next few moths and then a full record to follow.

As always, thank you for your encouragement and stay tuned…..




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