Sold out show!!

Thanks to everyone who came to Uke-Fest. It was truly one of the highlights of my life. So many amazing players and a room full of friends, fans and Arc Greater Twin City supporters. After the scramble of having to find a new date and line up after the flood of the venue I felt truly grateful that it all worked as well as it did.
One of my favourite parts of the night was seeing the connections made on stage between the musicians. Some planned to collaborate and quite a few just did it spontaniously.
I knew I wanted a real variety of players and to see the audiences reaction was really fun.
I couldn’t even choose my favourite player of the night and that’s what made it great. I feel so encouraged to do this again.
The biggest source of encouragement of the night was YOU! We sold out the venue and then some!! I felt bad for people that had to stand at the back but the smiles on peoples faces assured me that everyone was glad they were there.
The gig was about so much more than me or any single musician. It was inspired by the community that ARC Gtc has created and I felt the love in the room. Nice surprise to see the CEO of Arc, Kim Keprios, there too and she said a few words in between acts.

We raised $750 too. You can donate more at or have fun shopping at the Arc Value Village stores to continue your support.

Thanks and here’s to Uke-Fest 2014!!!

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